I humbly ask for YOUR vote for Bowling Green City Commissioner on November 5th!

Bowling Green has been through uncharted waters in recent years: the COVID-19 virus, the December 11, 2021 devastating and deadly tornadoes, and – most recently – inflationary pressures causing increased costs to everything the city purchases. Through the strong leadership of the Board of Commissioners, Bowling Green continues to mitigate these financial difficulties while still providing essential services for its citizens.
Being a Commissioner means making public policy, providing strategic direction for the City, overseeing city management and reviewing and approving the city budget.
For over 20 years, I have worked directly in the areas of economic development, community relations, education/training and leadership.
I have twelve years’ experience in providing senior leadership to local and state governments in accomplishing their goals. As City Commissioner from 2011-2016, and again from 2020-2024, I know what it takes to successfully lead the city. I look forward to the challenge of doing so again for the 2024-2026 term!